Double note heads for Harmonies

• Apr 16, 2024 - 04:12

I'm writing a piece and I'm trying to condense some harmonies from multiple staves to one. Since all of the harmonies are in the same rhythm, I find it's easier to use a single voice. I'm making the harmonic line with small note heads to distinguish it. The issue is that the melody and harmony intersect for a single note, which I'd love to be represented by two note heads (one small and one normal). I've tried making the other note head with Voice 2, but this messes up the entire eighth note system.

Is there any way to force an input of two notes in the same voice, so that I can then make one smaller?

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Add e.g. a d to an existing c and lower it with the down arrow to c: you get 2 c's next to each other. Or enter 2x c. The second c appears at the octave but Ctrl arrow down brings it down

It is possible, but cumbersome.
You have to select all note heads individually, e.g. with Ctrl+Mouse and then select 'Small' in the properties.

Another way: As long as the notes are still on a separate staff, you can first set them to 'Small' and then use 'Implode'. Now they are in voice 2 on the first staff.
Applying 'Implode' again brings them to voice 1, but the heads become large again. This seems to be a small bug. Maybe it's not in MuS 4.
But if I (in MuS 3) swap voice 1 and 2 before using 'Implode' again, the small heads remain. Only individual notes, such as the second last eighth note, remain in voice 2. These must then be assigned individually to voice 1.
This usually takes a little less effort.

In reply to by HildeK

I have just found a third method that starts like method 2.
You write two lines, make the note head small in the second one and use 'Implode' again to move the small notes of the second staff into the first one as voice 2.
Then use the selection filter to select only the notes of voice 2. Set them to voice 1.
You will be left with rests from voice 2, which you can simply delete.

Is this what you wanted ?
I did it in one voice as elsewhere describes.
Initially placed the duplicate harmony B as a A then just cursored it up.

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