Not Playing Audio or Saving

• May 23, 2024 - 00:51

I haven't been using MuseScore very long, so it's possible this is a 'me problem'. However, I keep trying to access one of my songs (It's an assignment for choir due next week!) and it's not playing any audio. So I tried saving the score to exit it (Don't want to lose any progress), and it keeps coming up with a message that says "Your score could not be saved to the cloud. MuseScore returned an error code: 401 Authorization required. Please try again later, or get help for this problem on " I tried saving over and over, and it kept displaying that message. I know it's not time-related, since I tried yesterday and the same problem occurred. Plus, there was no auto save. I added rehearsal marks today, and it said on the Score section that the last update was yesterday. Trust me, this is my last resort, coming on here. I'd much rather figure it out, but I've tried everything I know to do. Somehow, I managed to get it to work yesterday, but I have no idea how that happened. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Quick update: I was reluctant to do this, but I did quit the application. It asked me if I wanted to update it, which I elected to do, and now it plays just like normal. The whole situation was weird, but it ended up working out. I am curious, though: are there less stressful ways to overcome this issue?

In reply to by aydens835

One thing you can do is to save locally. I always recommend saving repeatedly with different filenames on your hard drive ("local") while you are working on the piece. Once it is complete, save locally again, and only then upload the completed score to the cloud.

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