Score doesn't want to open

• May 30, 2024 - 08:52

I created a score on the cloud (unaware that I had not logged into any account). I commenced working and when I finished I proceeded to save the score onto the cloud, and then after I exited Musescore. When I re-entered Musescore and tried to open my score It said I have to be logged in to open the score, but when I do log in it says the score doesn't belong to my account (because I was not logged in when I was working on it). Could I please get assistance with getting access to my score?


The people here at can't do that! Maybe you can get help from

But your problem is very interesting. There have been several reports of the same problem here, but it was never made clear why this was happening and what had happened.
I wonder why you were able to save the score without being logged in? Does use a random login name then? More than strange!
As a general rule: save your scores on your local hard disk - and make backup copies, e.g. on a USB stick. And optionally use as a second backup destination.

EDIT: If you find a solution, please report back here about the way.

Are you sure you were not logged in?
AFAICS, once you log in with MS, you always stay logged in, even after a restart.
Credentials are stored in a file musescorecom_cred.dat ( in audiocom_cred.dat ), which is read when MS is started.

What is more: if you take this credentials file to another instance (e.g. MuseScore4Development) or even another computer (e.g. from Linux to Windows), you are being logged in on startup without being asked your username/password.
The only way to not log in is to delete the credentials file.
Perhaps there is a time limit: in the credentials file there is a access token and a refresh token. Does one need periodically need to reenter credentials? (i do not use MS cloud, i never log in with MS and have no credentials file - so i don't know)

In reply to by graffesmusic

I haven't dealt with this yet and don't save any scores there.
But you are right and a little test shows that: in ...\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore3 there is a file with the name "cred.dat" that contains the login information. When you restart MuseScore you don't need to login again. When you log out, the file is deleted. If you delete the file manually, you are also logged out - of course.
It is probably also the case that the file has a time limit. However, this is somewhat more difficult to test ... :-)
Let's see if I'm still logged in in a few weeks.

> Are you sure you were not logged in?
In this case, the login window would open automatically, wouldn't it? At least it does in MuS 3.

BTW: MuS 3.6.2 and MuS 3.7 both use the same file.

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