Issue with my sheet music "Invalid Sheet"

• Jun 4, 2024 - 20:51

I'm having an issue with one of my sheet music. I try to open one of my files, but it just loads to see a box with the message "Your score could not be opened - this score is invalid" similar to one of the screenshots I've taken. I'm also sending the .zip archive that contains information about my error, according to the "Help" tool at the top of the screen. I'm using MuseScore Studio v. 4.3.1 and my software is Windows 11. Can somebody help me? This sheet was my first good idea in quite a while...

Attachment Size
Captura de tela 2024-06-03 211207.png 139.19 KB 703.54 KB


Here are some things that you could try:

  • Restart Musescore Studio.
  • Sign out and then sign in again in Musescore Studio.
  • Sign in to and check if you can download a copy of your score from there.

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