Score formatting and instrument name abbreviations

• Jun 13, 2024 - 17:42

Hello! Relatively new to MuseScore and having a formatting issue. I have a score that I've created and for some reason after the second system, the subsequent systems are all formatted like the very first system, meaning the instrument names revert to being spelled out instead of abbreviated, and the system in indented. I've attached screen grabs that show the first four systems, so you can see that only the second system (bottom of the first image) correctly abbreviates instrument names and is not indented. I would like all systems other than the first one to be formatted this way, not sure why they are not. Any ideas or fixes?


In second example you have a section break. These type of break is intended for multi-movements works (although you can configure how it controls displaying names and numbering measures). Replace it with a system break and everything is gonna be all right.

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