Second Try: MIDI Velocity Setup

• Jun 27, 2024 - 20:21

Second post bc no one replied to the first one.

So Instead of making it way more complicated than it sounds, I'm just gonna ask really simple,

I am using a MIDI cable for MS 4, and it works, yeah, but I am curious if there is a way where I can override the velocity control from always being stuck at 64, no matter what keys I press on my piano keyboard, to the velocity of which I ACTUALLY press on my piano keyboard.

Like if I press a D4 note on my piano, I want it to register as let's say 78 out of 127 on the computer screen, not stay at 64. This way it'll save me lots of time having to go back and change velocity values to make the midi sound at least realistic if anything, just because its always stuck at 64 at default.


Sounds like you have experience with a DAW—or some other notation app—where you can play on a MIDI keyboard and the MIDI velocity is stored as a property of each captured note, so your expectation and the solution you're seeking are entirely reasonable.

That said, I've all but given up using a MIDI keyboard for MuseScore input. Mainly because of serious delay issues and because MuseScore's Real Time input has very little in common with real-time recording in various DAW's or other notation apps.

The unpleasant workaround for you would be to capture your MIDI input in another app, export to a MIDI file, and import that to MuseScore. But then, MuseSounds in MS4 don't respond to MIDI velocity. Shocking, I know. My understanding is that somewhere in MuseScore 4's future MuseSounds will recognize velocity, but it might not be true MIDI velocity, but rather some sort of internal equivalent with the promise is that it will be some and more versatile. Oy!

If you're okay with MS Basic, or other sound fonts of that era, you can work in MuseScore 3.7 which comports well with MIDI velocity as long as you understand the difference between User and Offset flavors. But still, it doesn't have any normal sense of real-time input.

In reply to by scorster

damnit....just like the old days for me (where I made MIDI from my keyboard's LCD screen, and then USB the file to my computer and copied, pasted, rearranged, etc.) yeah lol that's what I kinda used to do, but whatever. I might do MS 3 and try that, idk...

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