Second Time Repeate Using D.C. al Fine Skips 1st Volta (& Repeats)

• Jul 6, 2024 - 04:06

First round everything is fine and it plays repeats and voltas prefectly but when it loops back to the begining of the score (as the result of D.C. al Fine), it skips 1st voltas (highlighted in yellow in attached scrrenshot) where ever I have 2 volta and second time repeat/play jumps to 2. volta
Tried everything but no luck! Appreciate it if I get some advise to fix the issue (if it is not an app bug).


That is correct play. The modern convention is that after a D.C. the repeats are not to be played. Take a look at the attached score: 20240706 0013-Play repeats.mscz By the "correct" convention, it will play

A, volta A1, A, volta A2, B, volta B1, B, volta B2, C, D, D.C. al Fine, A, volta A2, B, volta B2, C, Fine.

This is how it plays now. But you want it to play those repeats after the D.C. So, ...

Click the D.C. al Fine to select it. Go to the Properties tab at upper left. Under Jump check the box to Play repeats. And now it will play as you want it to:

A, volta A1, A, volta A2, B, volta B1, B, volta B2, C, D, D.C. al Fine, A, volta A1, A, volta A2, B, volta B1, B, volta B2, C, Fine.

You wrote:
...but when it loops back to the begining of the score (as the result of D.C. al Fine), it skips 1st voltas...

Normally, 1st voltas are skipped on repeats unless you check 'Play repeats' in the Properties panel. (Because the Fine is in the 1st volta.)
However, looking at your 2 screenshots I see a Segno which appears at what looks like the beginning of the score. The D.C. al Fine already means to go to the beginning, so why place a Segno there? (Is there a D.S. somewhere else in the score?)
If this score is only 29 measures long, it's better to post the actual MuseScore (mscz) file rather than a picture. The MuseScore file gives greater context for the whole playback "roadmap". Also, unlike a picture, the mscz file can be played back to verify whether those repeats/jumps are notated correctly.

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