Measure numbers inside brackets

• Jul 8, 2024 - 17:53

Hi MuseScore forum,

Please see the attached picture.
Is there a way to automatically put Measure Numbers inside brackets?
I tried to go to Style ->Text Styles -> Measure number, but there are only two option for frame (rectangle, circle)


Attachment Size
Put measure numbers between brackets.png 10.43 KB


Currently there is no option to place measure numbers inside brackets.
But you can place the measure numbers in a rectangular frame:

To get this effect, edit the entry in Format > Style... > Text styles > Measure number to enable the Frame property to Rectangle. Then you can experiment with the values of Padding and Corner radius, till you find what looks best:

To place the measure numbers below the staff, use Format > Style... > Measure numbers > Vertical placement > Below. However it doesn't sit well when using a grand staff!

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