
• Jul 14, 2024 - 04:55

I ain't the one to usually complain about stuff, but I kinda hate it when I work really hard on a piece, and then my laptop (which was my fault) dies. Now that's not the issue. It's when it comes back alive and it reset everything that I just did a min ago. I would like there to be either a auto save or something to press to save it at its current state. also I understand older version not working with other versions because the programs might not line up right, but when it's the same version, and I give a copy of the original musescore file ( no not the pdf, I mean I went into the files and found the score and copied it ) it comes back screwy. Example: me and a friend were working on a piece and they had most of the parts and I had the drums. So I gave them the file and told them to copy it into their score. They did and it came back half right. The bass drum rhythms was on the up beat when it wasn't supposed to, and the cross stick looked different ( it looked like a regular note with a slash through it, a regular cross stick looks like a X). Also speaking of this mess, can you add a feature to be able to work with other musicians? I feel like this should of been the first few features added, but it's not, and it makes it really hard to get anything done. I am perfectly fine working around the trickery and all that stuff, I have done it before, but I would REALLY love to see this stuff be added and fix to a tea. thank you for hearing me out.


You've got about half a dozen issues here. Most of them are already implemented. For example, there is an autosave and you can press Ctrl+S to save at any point.

I would recommend taking each of your issues and post them in separate threads. Having multiple issues in a single thread gets confusing and often you won't get all of your questions answered because everyone assumes when ONE issue is resolved the thread is done.

Use the Support and bug reports or General discussion forums. These are the most appropriate forums for this sort of question. And, as I said, include ONE issue in a thread or you will tend not to get all your questions answered. Once you determine that a specific issue is actually NOT implemented, then return here and describe it here to request it be added.

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