Corrupted score

• Jul 19, 2024 - 00:05

My score says it's corrupted and I cannot find the issue. I just started working on this too...

Attachment Size
The Coronation Suite Part 2.mscz 91.63 KB


First off, try following the instructions in How to fix a score that contains corruptions and How to fix MuseScore 4 corrupted files.

If that doesn't work, look at How to recover a backup copy of a score and How to recover a backup copy of a score. (I think the latter is more up-to-date, but I'm not sure!)

If none of that works, come back and ask for further assistance. I recommend recording exactly what you do, and what responses you get to each action you take. Providing that information will keep us from having you repeat things you've already tried ... or allow us to explain that you have to do X, rather than Y. More detail is always better than less. :-)

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