May I offer some development suggestions?

• Jul 26, 2024 - 14:14

1.Currently, the efficiency of guitar score input in the software is not very high. My idea is to add a chord input mode. After selecting this mode, first input guitar chords on the six line score, and then click with the mouse. The corresponding numbers for the chords will automatically appear on the line. Of course, if there are any changes, you can switch to the normal input mode for modification.
2. In chord input mode, hold down the left mouse button and slide up and down along the six lines, performing actions similar to sweeping strings. You can input the sweeping chord score based on the corresponding chord chart, including the arrows during sweeping, which will greatly improve the efficiency of creating the score.
3. Can a feature be added to the sweep guitar score to hide the numbers next to the sweep arrows and display only the arrows.
My English is very poor. The text was generated by me through translation software. If I am unable to express myself clearly, I can try my best to rephrase my thoughts later.


"May I offer some development suggestions?"

Of course, your suggestion is welcome. But please bear in mind that the title of your post is what matters, and the title is what people will find when searching the forum. Perhaps a better title would be "Add a guitar chord input mode"? Then you will get a better response from guitar players.

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