How to mute a guitar note?

• Jul 27, 2024 - 13:16

I'm still on MuseScore 3.

Anyway, I know how to turn a note's head into an "x" by going to the Note section on the Inspector and changing the "Head group."
However, I don't know how to make the guitar note sound muted.

Is it possible to mute a guitar note for the playback on MuseScore 3?
Just to clarify, the notation is correct, but the playback is not.

I found the answer minutes after posting this:…

While MuseScore can't play ghost notes, this is the best replication of it:
1. Add a "Staff Text"
2. Right click on it and click on "Staff Text Properties"
3. On the "Change Channel" panel, select whichever voice your notes are (usually 1).
4. On the "Channel," there's a dropdown menu, select "mute."


Why is your guitar sound wrong? At least not with Musescore 3!
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Nevertheless, you do not need any of the four points to switch off the notes. Simply select the notes and uncheck the "Play" box in the inspector.

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