Mixer issues and Labeling Discrepancy

• Jul 31, 2024 - 05:01

I would like to report two problems: The first is that if the mixer button is clicked, the mixer does not appear as a bottom docked ribbon on the screen; instead it appears as a tiny, undocked sliver at the bottom left which must be expanded.
The second problem is that in the "Choose Instruments" window, piatti are listed as "Hand cymbals", but in the MuseSounds menu in the mixer as "Piatti". This could lead to confusion, as it is impossible to find "piatti" in the "Choose Instruments" window by searching; only hand cymbals are listed.
Attached is a picture of the sliver of the mixer.
As a side note, I also have a long list of suggested improvements to Musescore which might be cumbersome to post all on the forum. Could someone please let me know to whom I could send it?

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-07-30 235518.png 208.07 KB

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