• Aug 15, 2024 - 18:50

Hi, I am currently writing a set of ATB preces and responses for choral evensong and wondered if you could help.
I have managed to create these bars that are separate to the ATB parts for the priest to sing and wondered if there was a way to shorten the excess part of the bar. I've tried using horizontal frames, which worked for the first few responses as the cantor line is short, however it does not work for the 'glory be to the father...' line as it Is too long. Is there an easy way to solve this?

I have attached a photo of the page.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 18.42.21.png 113.68 KB


Perhaps you can move parts of the long lyric to verse 2 and verse 3?

But having tried this, it does seem a terrible kludge. That's because hiding or deleting the default time signature upsets the layout very significantly. See the attached example score, which has changes in:
Edit > Preferences > Appearance > Paper

Attachment Size
Mu4_shorten_lyrics.mscz 15.43 KB

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