Guitar Tab Stems

• Aug 17, 2024 - 23:55

I'm running the latest MuseScore on a Mac. I want to remove stems and beams from guitar tabs I generate in MuseScore. I open Staff/Part Properties, and when I access Advanced Style properties to se-select stems/beams, I cannot close the panel. I cannot see the bottom of the panel to save, close, revert, etc.. I can only force quit the app. Any insights? Thank you.


You shouldn't need Staff/Part Properties.
I'm assuming you're in 4+.
In the instruments subsection, expand your current instrument to reveal your staff.
Set staff type to Tab, x-line simple, and all tab stems should disappear.

Unrelated, but I can only guess why you cannot close the advanced style properties.
I see 'OK' and 'cancel' buttons at the bottom.

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