Creating orchestral percussion

• Aug 31, 2024 - 18:07

Hi team,

I'm trying to set up a percussion score for the European Doctors Orchestra. We'll be performing a brand new piece by Elena Kats-Chernin who has been commissioned to compose the piece for our 20th anniversary concert in November.

The percussion is quite complex and is scored for 4 percussionists (timpani plus percussion 1, 2 and 3). Percussion 1, 2 and 3 are playing a variety of instruments including glockenspiel and pebbles for perc 1, 2 wood blocks at different pitches for perc 2, and the more normal unpitched percussion for perc 3. The score also includes "pots and pans"!

I need to be able to write the score as timps, perc 1, perc 2 and perc 3, but also to be able to pitch the instruments as needed in perc 2. How can I achieve this? Wood block doesn't appear on the pitched percussion list when setting up the score.

Looking forward to getting some help on this!
Many thanks!


You can just type "wood blocks" and select them from within the "Change Instrument" text function. The clef will change to "unpitched" but you still get a high & low sound from the blocks. "Pitched" in this context really just means absolute (C#, E, Bb, etc.) rather than relative (high, medium, low).

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