Brazilian chord notation support

• Sep 2, 2024 - 01:34

Hi everyone,

I’m writting to suggest a feature to Musescore, regardind chord notation.

In Brazil we have a chord notation scheme that was consolidated and proposed by Almir Chediak in a very popular book from 1984 (#6 top seller in music in Amazon). This scheme is really popular and broadly taught in many universities and music schools from Brazil, and is used in most MPB and Bossa Nova songbooks from Brazil. It's kind of "Brazilian standard" chord notation.

The notation scheme is the following:
Acordes Brasileiros.jpeg
At the left the schemes used in Brazilian and at the right other schemes also used for the same chord.

In Brazil we say something like "7th major" (7M) instead of "major 7th".

My suggestion is to extend the chord engine to consider these notations as valid variants when inputing, displaying and playing:

  • 7M -> maj7; ex: F7M = Fmaj7
  • m7M -> min(maj7) ex: Fm7M = Fmin(maj7)

The 7 4 chord isn't so common. It would be nice to have it also, but isn't as crucial as the 7M.

You couldn't imagine how valuable this feature would be for Brazilian music community (MPB, Bossa Nova, Chorinho, etc). Every Brazilian composer and engraver needs to manually configure this notation scheme in Sibellius, Finale, etc to any profesional work in Brazil. It would be really nice if Musescore could be the first to natively suport this.

Thanks in advance,
Best regards!

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