Insert every single function on the main panel / window of MuseScore, even from the deep menu

• Sep 2, 2024 - 12:25

It would be a very useful feature to be able to assign any function to the main MuseScore window, even one from deep in the menu, and create your own user-assigned function bar.
That is, I create a “Text / Words” bar (next to or below the note entry bar on the main MuseScore window) and enter into this bar any function useful to me that I will use frequently, such as Font, Font Size, Font Color, Bold, Underline, Italic, etc.
The point is and not to search every time for a particular function that you use frequently, and especially not to enter a favorite function through several menu functions (not to fumble to a particular function through a deep menu).
This would be very useful for many MuseScore users who would like to have more control over the main MuseScore window/panel to make their work with this program much easier and faster.

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