Dynamic Markings Formatting

• Sep 4, 2024 - 06:56

Something that changed when I installed MuseScore 4.4 was the formatting of dynamic markings that come at the end of a crescendo or diminuendo when there is no downbeat.

Consider a whole note that crescendos from pp to ff for the duration of the measure and then cuts off and has no downbeat. In MS 4.3, the ff would be shown at the end of the measure that contains the note, but in MS 4.4, the ff is shown at the beginning of the next measure (even though it's a rest). This creates issues when I want the next measure to suddenly change to another dynamic marking because I can't have both the ff and my next marking in the same spot without it looking awful. I can't find a way to resolve this. All I want is to be able to show a crescendo to ff in one measure and the a subito change to another marking on the downbeat of the next measure (not the same as a fp because I don't want to the downbeat itself to be loud). Can anyone help with this?


Use hidden notes in another voice. See the gray notes in the measure with the crescendo.

20240907 191932 - rit.jpg

You can also set the hidden notes to not play if that is helpful.

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