Multiple RIT's wont't delete

• Sep 4, 2024 - 15:45

Multiple RIT's were created by the attached piece created from a muslcxml file. I can't seem to delete them.1 on 4 staves of messure 45 and 8 on measure 46.

Also while expanding parts, when I select a note and then select the p2 to change color, thie MuseScore 4.40 version takes a few seconds to change it. Other actions seem to take longer than it use to.


Attachment Size
Jesus Keeps Me Singing.mscz 371.34 KB


There seem to be several (a lot .. I mean A LOT) of rit markings stacked on top of each other. I suggest right click on one and select all similar then press delete. That removes all the rit markings in the score and you can then start to add them back from the palette where needed.

In reply to by SteveBlower

"There seem to be several (a lot .. I mean A LOT) of rit markings stacked on top of each other. I suggest right click on one and select all similar then press delete."

I agree that there is a huge number of rit. marks, but it's way beyond the patience of any normal user to delete them manually on an individual basis, because the response time on this score is too slow. The file is super-bloated - after all, it's only 141 measures in total

My suggestion would be to export the score as an uncompressed MusicXML file, the manually select all these rit. marks by scrolling down with the Ctrl key held. In measure 46 I selected a single section containing over 5,000 lines which contained only rit. instructions! That is nearly 650 rit instructions like this:

      <direction placement="above" system="only-top">
          <dashes type="start" number="1"/>

But this doesn't answer why the repeated rit. marks appeared in the first place. In the past I have been deceived by a slow response from MuseScore and have placed marks twice or three times in error. But 650 times?? This sounds more like a code runaway. Is there a plugin involved?

In reply to by carlsonbm50@gm…

Multiple additions of overlapping score items was a problem in Musescore that I think has now been fixed. It did cause a lot of confusion as the user could select the topmost one and delete it but that left the ones underneath still visible so that it looked like the delete had not worked. What is more, having multiple stacked copies made some (most?) of them not work on playback - causing more confusion. The problem became particularly frequently reported when Musescore changed from double click to single click to add a palette item. Users (me included) instinctively double clicked and added two of something.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Thanks for the reply! They probably occured because I had to cut and paste sections of parts to get it into MuseScore from musicxml. There were a significant number of changes from the hardcopy of music in which parts were missing where they were silent and the changes in clef for the tenor part, this piece was very difficult to convert from Capella-scan to musicxml to MuseScore. That's what might have made it so slow to respond.

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