Blue Devils Soundfont / (Non)Corrupted file

• Sep 5, 2024 - 09:50

The music I used for the demonstration of the issue is the snare part to False Hype by Eric M. Carr

The marching snare drumset changed drastically, but I can deal with that. I can just set the drumset and staff back to the way I need it but if I change the noteheads (while using the Blue Devils soundfont) the sounds break and just plays a hit. I can move them around just fine. I've never had this problem before. Is there a way for me to fix it myself now or would I have to wait for it to get it fixed? (Note that the drumset is not completely set up as it I set it up for the demonstration)

I made some changes to the sample for this bug and:
I did some editing at measure 18 and beyond to keep the rimclicks from buzzing and still look good but for some reason it is making Musescore think it's corrupted, but I saved it and opened it a few times without error.

Attachment Size
BrokenSound1.mscz 55.06 KB


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