New Issue with Accented Notes Sustaining into fermata

• Sep 8, 2024 - 02:18

There is a new issue where if I have 2 whole notes tied to each other and the first whole note has an accent on it, the playback decays 2 beats into the second whole note. When there is no accent on either note, it sustains fine.
This is not limited to whole notes. even if the first note is a quarter note, as long as the written value of the tied notes is 2 measures worth of beats, the playback dies off before the second measure of beats can play.

I tried recreating this issue in a standalone score and the note completely dies off on the fermata instead which still does not make any sense.

This is a big issue in playback and it needs to be resolved asap.

Note this is all after the new 4.4.1 update with the new MuseHub update

Attachment Size
Sustain issue test.mscz 20.86 KB

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