adding breath sound accessibly

• Sep 10, 2024 - 17:32

I am just new in muzic in general and musescore in particular. First of all So I have some questions about adding breath as a blind user:
First of all is there any shortcut to add breath withouth going to palets? it is tedious and as a flute player I need to add a lot of breath pouces.
furthermore How do I add a breath playback? When I added a breath sign, it doesn't do anything. I learnt that I need to change pause time with playback from properties. When I get there, niether NVDA nor jaws reads the dialogue box. is there any way to do it in a accesible way?
Lastly do I need to choose a time for all breath pauses or can I have a default time applied automaticly. related to that is there a endustry standart for it?
sorry for the long post. Best regards
PS: I use musescore studio 4.4 in windows 11

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