Swing articulation inconsistency

• Sep 15, 2024 - 22:44

I have a problem in playback of swing triples. I have attached the following example as MuseScore file. This is a 3.2 file, as it is the same as in both 3.2 and 4.x. I picked the Alto-Sax sound for this.

The playback of the measure 2 and 4 sound wrong (they are the same). The other just have the first note of the triple in a different pitch and all sound reasonable: Just the variant with the d"-c#' step is articulated weird. I tried with a d"-a' step, which sounds great as well. I know that the swing-eight and the triples ARE equal length, but they should not sound so. The articulation should pronounce the first triple note and it does this fine in every other measure. In the problem measure instead, the first eight gets is the weight and the tripple is down voted.

Transposing this into different pitches carries the problem with it and adding a marcato on the triple does not make it better. The measure is part of the "Royal Garden Blue" and it's just this single measure that play back "wrong".

Is this just my ears, or does MuseScore something weird here?

... and I certainly will talk about the horrible sax sounds of the MuseLibrary in another post ...

Attachment Size
Triolen_Problem.mscz 4.87 KB

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