Botched properties when opening legacy scores in MuseScore 4.4.2

• Sep 16, 2024 - 21:49

I encounter several botched properties on opening a MS3.x legacy score in MS4.4.2

Mixer settings

• Mixer>Sound setting reverts to the sound associated with Staff>Instrument, even when that was explicitly overridden in the 3.x score's Mixer.
• Doesn’t remember undocked Mixer width. I can widen the Mixer in 4.4.2 but toggling Mixer visibility causes the width to revert to the oft reported “pencil width.” This recurs until I relocate the Mixer.

Note and chord symbol properties

• Sets the Play property of all Chord symbols to ON, overriding OFF property of chord symbols set in a 3.x score
• 4.4.2 set all Offset velocities to User 64
• ignores Len property entirely

Regarding "all Offset velocities to User 64"

I recall that there were insurmountable complexities in converting 3.x Offset velocities + Dynamic to a 4.x User velocity, so the simplistic decision was made. MS 4.4.1 and onward would convert all Offset velocities to User 64, and this is done without warning, so the user better have a backup score on hand!

Here's what I don't get.

If a score has no dynamics why not simply set each MS4 User velocity to the MS3 Offset velocity— i.e. don't worry about factoring in dynamics. Then the user can retain some or ALL of the expression carried by the velocities carefully set in MS3.

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