User Velocities not carried over from v3 to v4.1

• Sep 17, 2024 - 17:50

I have a beautiful sounding piano score in my Musescore 3 project where each note has its own user velocity. I had originally imported it from a midi file of an actual performance, hence the realistic data. It sounds really solid in playback. I can see in the Inspector pane "Velocity type: User" and "Velocity: 90" for example.

When I open the score up in 4.1, all of the velocities have suddenly been set to 64? It seems like they are not translating. All of my precious humanization data appears to be lost and now my score sounds like a robot in playback. In the Properties pane I can check every note and they are all say Velocity 64. So rough.

I am shocked that it seems possible this was a missed feature in MS4, I guess maybe it's just not the most common workflow? I get that most people probably construct their score from scratch in Musescore and rely on the dynamics markings for that, but all my stuff is imported from midi. (This isn't even scratching the surface of the fact that the 'Import Pane' is gone in MS4 which makes zero sense to me, forcing me to import MIDI in MS3 and then convert to MS4 after)

I did some research/due diligence before posting this and found some posts about offset velocity not being imported correctly from 3 to 4, but those posts seemed to imply that the user velocity was working properly, which I am not seeing. I do not use offset velocity.

Either way, I am hoping there will be a fix for it. Honestly, if not then MS4 will be totally unusable for me even despite some of the improvements it made. Any help would be much appreciated.

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