Can't open Mixer in Musescore

• Sep 18, 2024 - 22:52

I am using the Flathub version of Musescore (I use a SteamDeck as my desktop, which is ArchLinux based)
Every since Musescore 4.4, I cannot open the Mixer, Piano Keyboard, and other windows.
I also can not see the window for Percussion Inputs, so I can't make parts for Drumkit.
I've tried resetting to factory settings and reinstalling, but nothing has worked.


Hi CamKablam ,

Can you attach the diagnostic files please? (Top Menu>Diagnostic>Save diagnostic files)

Also, what version of musesampler do you have? (Top Menu>Diagnostic>Muse Sampler>Check Muse Sampler)

Does the bug occur if to setup MS Basic as default sounds? (Top Menu>View>Playback Setup>Set MuseScore Basic as default for new scores)


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