Musesounds instruments modifiers

• Sep 20, 2024 - 08:30

Is there any way to know all the instrument modifiers that are available for a specific instrument in MuseSounds ? i.e. for strings: arco, pizzicato, staccato, spiccato, col legno etc?


Instrument modifiers are found in the Palettes with the ones you mentioned underneath the Text category. If you don't see the Palettes window, press F9, or go to View ---> Palettes. Hope this helps.

In reply to by karolcpm

Thank you so much, karolcpm
I knew that, in the palette I can find all the modifiers available.
I just wanted to know what modifiers are available and applicable for one specific instrument. Ex. is legato available (and executed in playback) for violin ? and for contrabass? and for viola?
Many of them are executed, but not other ones, even if written on the score. I just have the curiosity about what modifiers are specified in musesounds instrument definition, generating the correct associated sound.

In reply to by guglielmolibe1

For the strings, I have used martele, detache, and sul tasto for the strings. Also with the timpani (and maybe the other percussion instruments), you can use the System Text feature (underneath the text feature) above the notes to specify hard or soft mallets in the playback.

As for whether which ones work or not, I will just say it depends if the feature was implemented or not.

In reply to by karolcpm

I made some tests.
I went to the file MuseSounds uses for Violin1.
On my system it is located at /srv/muse-hub/dowloads/Istruments/Violins 1/SFZ/Violins 1.sts (spaces are important)
Viewing the file I discovered a lot of names with the pattern
this pattern repeats every 46 bytes ($2E) the gap between two entries is filled by bytes that (most probably) refer to the associated waveform

dynamic is a 2 character string for the dynamic ex PP, MP or FF. only 2 characters !
note is the note associated to the sound ex C3,A4, G#2 etc,
mode is the associated mode: pizzicato, legato etc.

I wrote a simple perl program that finds all the occurence of this string and prints out the results
for violins 1 I found these modes:
quarter,slurred_legato,staccatissimo,staccato,sul_pont,sul_tasto,sustain,tremolo, trill
for portamento there is another specifier, after the note, which is + or -
ex. Voilins1_portamento_MP_C#3_+.opus
There are quite a lot of specifications: 27 different modes.
I really don't know how MuseScore triggers all these modes. It can be easily guessed that the text "pizz." selects the mode "pizzicato", but when I specify "arco" what mode is triggered ?
What is the default mode when I open a new score? How it sounds the maj3rd mode? Using what "magic" text can I even specify it?
In any case I will continue to explore the other instruments available.
Hope this is useful to somebody

I can add my experience with the Saxophone sound modifiers.

Yo can select
"normal" = default, a rather less saxophone sounding experience :-(. Eating a short note every now and then.
"nonvib" = the same sound, lacking all articulation -> legato = unusable and does not match expectation
"shake" = don't know. Never heared any saxophone sound this way. Kind of bending EVERY note - horrible!

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