Missing entire left hand pallet menu / formatting

• Sep 26, 2024 - 01:43

Apologies if I posted this in the wrong forum, I don't use the help section all that much but I had two problems that I pretty desperately need help solving:

  1. A few weeks ago I deleted the left hand pallets on a whim just to see if it actually would, needless to say it worked a little too well and now I don't know how to get them back (because of course 😑).
    I tried the basic solutions like closing - reopening, logging in - logging out, etc., with hope it might fix it but I didn't try anything else more extensive than that as I didn't want to risk anything else potentially getting messed up as well. I checked the help forums, the handbooks, and pretty much anything else I could related to pallets and engraving and I couldn't find how to get it back, any input would appreciated because I really have no clue where to start as even on the application there's no other ways I can find that resurrect the pallet menus.

  2. The staff / note sizing compared to the page size is really far out of wack, with notes that were engraved from the score falling out of the page format once taken out of the perfectly horizontal workplace even after I tried changing the page sizes and resetting some of measure distances so that they were smaller in the hopes that I might make a difference but I couldn't find anything related to staff spacing or note sizes within the software, the help manuals, or the handbook. This issue is obviously less concerning as it doesn't interfere with my ability to actually still create as much as the other one does but is still pressing as I have a wind ensemble reading for this piece coming up that I have to have parts and a full score finished for.
    Amount of total staves is 40, and I've seen uploaded scores before that are written for large ensembles and wind ensemble before so I don't think it's impossible I just don't know how to achieve it.



F7 F8 F9 show/hide the Instruments, Properties and Palettes tabs respectively.

For your score problem, please post the score (the .mscz file).

Consider using shorter sentences.

  1. The shortcuts as mentioned will restore specific panels; you can also use the menu option View > Restore to default layout.
  2. It sounds like you want to resize your score when in page view. For that you need Format > Page settings > Scaling where you can set your staff space size. (It should really just be labelled 'Staff size' or something, but here we are.) A quicker way to get to Page settings is via the menu that pops up when you right-click an empty part of the score.

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