MuseScore Subtitle Bug

• Oct 6, 2024 - 20:53


I create a new score using the Wizard, putting nothing in the Subtitle field. When the score is generated, I see that the word Subtitle appears below the name of the tune.
I go into the properties of the project and delete the word Subtitle from the Subtitle field. No joy.
I go back and add "Irish Jig" to the Subtitle field. The word Subtitle persists on the score.
I go to a different score and come back. I close MuseScore and reopen it. Still, the word Subtitle ignores the current values in the Properties screen for Subtitle.
Then I come here and preview all this, tell it to upload... and it warns me that if I exit Preview, all will be lost.
All was lost.
So, I'm here again, reentering everything, not feeling warm and fuzzy about either your app or your Web site.
I'll get over it. I appreciate MuseScore for all it is. I'm just having momentary issues with a couple of details of what it isn't, which is an app that lets you edit the Subtitle.

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MuseScore Subtitle problem.pdf 490.45 KB


Double-click on the word “Subtitle” in the sheet and replace it with “Irish Jig”.

It is not an error, but there is no synchronization between the information in the project properties and the sheet. During the setup of the score, both pieces of information are identical, but any subsequent changes to the project properties will have no effect on the sheet.

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