Leadsheet-Style: Marks on Tempo and Style/Feel on top left margin
Leadsheets in Pop/Jazz often start with instructions on tempo along with style/feel on the top left. As it's an instruction for the whole song, it's not sticked to a particular note/rest (nor bar, nor stave nor staff) but orientated to the left margin, placed just below title and authors. Up to now it's manual work but no stable alignment possible: if for example the key signature changes afterwards (i.e. some flat-b's or sharp#'s added, especially when using 'concert pitch' for brass instruments) or if a new bar is added before the first one (tempo and style&feel then move to the then second bar) you always have to re-justify it. In addition, any rehearsal mark added ("INTRO") is auto-placed on top of all that. 🙈
As I didn't come across any other hack yet:
Would it be possible to invent maybe something like a new particular text object "Style/Feel" (orientated to the margin not to a specific note/rest, and auto-placed above any rehearsal mark)? The same with a general tempo marking that ist not only sticked to a specific note/bar but shown above all for the whole song?
Attached you'll find a screen - which maybe explains my request better than the words above ;-)
Please nudge, if this is already possible...
Use frames instead: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/text-blocks
In reply to Use frames instead: https:/… by Brer Fox
...just thougt, this migth be an idea - but however in the end: You can't place a tempo mark within a text frame🤷
I still think that a possibilty to somehow 'optically disconnect' the placement of the leading tempo mark (=first bar, first note/rest) from its strict stickiness to this first rest/note might be a technically neater and beautiful solution. Any other suggestions?
In reply to ...just thougt, this migth… by nic-key.de
My apologies - I replied before thinking through it properly. Also, I use MS3 which may work differently: having added a tempo mark I can drag it around with the mouse or using the offsets in the Inspector (now Properties?) to place it wherever I want. No frame, text or normal, is required, though I may need to disable “automatic placement”. FYI frames have various automatic margins and offsets that can be adjusted in the properties panel.
As my PC is too old to install MS4 I have no idea if these comments will be any use to you.