Tie Shortcut Function No Longer Working
Hi all! I just updated to MuseScore 4.4.3 revision eb6b367, and since it updated, the Tie shortcut hasn't worked for me. I dug deep into Studio > Preferences > Shortcuts to ensure the shortcut still exists, and I found that it still shows "Add tied note" for "T". However, every time I press "T" on a note followed by a note of the same pitch, the tie does not populate (both when in note-inputting mode and not). I've had to re-add the tie option to my toolbar and manually add every single tie since (which, for these contemporary syncopated pieces, is no easy feat ...). I'd appreciate any guidance anyone has to offer! Thank you :)
Check this: https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/25321
Seems reset preferences in the short cut dialog could fix this issue.
Mac OS?
Define the “T” once again as “T” in the shortcuts.
Several users have reported that this works.