Move to next chord (Musescore 4 on Windows 10)
I cannot figure out how to move from the chord I have just entered to the next note or measure so I can enter a new chord. I have tried every key combination I can think of and nothing happens. The manual seems to say that this should work with Ctrl-right arrow, but this does not work. Right arrow alone does not work, nor does any combination of Ctrl-Alt-Shift-right arrow.
What is the keyboard shortcut for moving between chords in Musescore 4 (on Windows)?
Space moves to the next NOTE
Shift+Space moves to the previous NOTE
; (semicolon) moves to the next BEAT
Shift+; (semicolon) moves to the previous BEAT
Ctrl+Right moves to the next MEASURE
Ctrl+Left moves to the previous MEASURE
If these shortcuts are not working correctly, you might need to check the shortcut definitions: Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts. It's possible you might need to re-create one or more. (Not just verify it, but explicitly re-create it.)