how to offset the velocity of all selected notes? (need plug-in)

• Nov 17, 2024 - 16:48


A midi file has notes of different velocities.
Let's suppose to have 4 notes of respective custom velocity:
if I switch to offset mode with 10 by selecting these 4 notes, I do not get their desired velocities:

Can you create a plug-in for me so as to offset the velocity by such a value on all selected notes?



This plugin works with Musescore3, I don't know if it can be adapted to Musescore4 because it works for some things differently. He makes 'crescendo' or 'decrescendo'; I don't have time to rewrite it in English, however it is a matter of selecting individual notes (not the 'block'), indicating the initial and final velocities, and applying the transformation. See if you need it.

Attachment Size
crescendo decrescendo.qml 13.42 KB

In reply to by fionacar

Well, I'll return to the topic one last time, having found some time to review the plugin. In fact, just change the line:
sel[i].veloOffset = startingVelocity + Math.round(incremento * contatore);
sel[i].veloOffset = sel[i].veloOffset + startingVelocity;
At this point you can write the increase (or decrease with negative values) of velocity in the leftmost text box.
I would add that it is not necessary to select the notes one by one: you can select the block and then use the Musescore functions to have only the notes selected.
It would be a good idea to add a check to ensure that velocity remains in the 0-127 range, but we can hope that Musescore will take care of fixing things.
As a working hypothesis, you could also think about adding a TextField and two RadioButton to maintain both functionality.
Finally, to add a fixed velocity increment to the notes, sorting by 'tick positions' is not necessary, but it should not create problems other than, perhaps, some slowdown in the case of large scores.

In reply to by glennmstanton

At glennmstanton: I wrote this plugin about 2 years ago just out of curiosity, without ever using it (I prefer DAWs). In my opinion it already does (somehow) what fionacar wants: however, if you have time to modify it you are allowed to do so with my blessing! (I no longer remember all the details, but I think your observation is correct).

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