How to create a multimeasure glissando
This thread claims you can make a glissando last multiple measures but it's not working for me (what Marc describes is exactly what I want though). Any tips? If there's no way to make it work right in playback , that's ok, but how can I get it in the sheet music? Thanks :) !
Do exactly what the thread describes. For example,
Measures 1-3 show how to make it display properly: Place no notes in the intervening measure(s) and simply draw the gliss. from m.1 to m.3. Hide the full measure rest in that intervening measure(s). (That's why the full measure rest in m.2 is grayed out: it's invisible.)
Measures 5-7 show how to make it playback properly. Divide the full length in half (or whatever number of measures you want it divided over) and split it into two (or however many) measures each with its own portion of the gliss.
My recollection is that glissandi longer than one measure are inevitably written out as rising (or falling) 16th (or whatever note duration is appropriate) notes.