Align all dynamics for one staff at once
I have been spending a lot of time vertically aligning all dynamics (f/p/cresc./dim.) for one staff by dragging the individual symbols manually. Is there a way to do this all at once for one staff? Maybe even ask MuseScore to align it vertically for the whole piece?
I found a video about it but (a) it was only for f/p symbols and (b) it used the inspector like it must have been in older versions of MuseScore, not version 4 that I have. I do not see vertical alignment in the Properties on the left (which is, as far as I understand, an equivalent of Inspector in version 4). The only way I found to access the vertical alignment field Y is in Style->Dynamics and Hairpins. But when I open it, it covers the music, so I cannot see if it is getting aligned as I adjust its value. Also, I have not figured out how to select all dynamics at once. By using Ctrl+click->Select->All similar, I can select all f/p, all crescendo, or all diminuendo, but not all of them combined.
Does anyone know how to handle this?