Weird Rests

• Dec 10, 2024 - 04:43

(Solved) Not sure why, but there are random rests on voice 1 above the staff. Don't mind the music, it's a project for AP Music Theory. Can someone help? Thanks!


The highest notes in those measures are in voice 3 for that staff, (you can tell because they're orange when highlighted) leaving nothing for voice 1. (which is highlighted in blue.) Just change those notes to voice 1 to get rid of the rests, or simply highlight those rests and uncheck "visible" in the properties menu.

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Screenshot 2024-12-10 001154.png 12.22 KB

You have used all 4 voices for the score. That is unnecessary!

Any staff can use voice 1 and 2 and in this particular case, where the notes have the same duration at all places, even voice 1 is sufficient.
Select the notes and press voice 1. Then select all rests and delete them (for voice 2 - 4).

For example, write the first notes with G and Shift+D, the second notes with G and Shift+E and so on.

See my appendix (done with 3.7).

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Tides_of_La_Rivire_3.7.mscz 29.33 KB

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