Perhaps a Zero-duration Bar is the Solution?

• Dec 11, 2024 - 22:49

How to create the "zero duration bar with a key change", as at bar "D" in the diagram?

Attachment Size
tmpZeroDurationBarKeyChange.jpg 15.7 KB


Like this?
1. Create the key change in bar 37
2. Select the flat symbol shown in bar 36, increase its Leading space to 2
3. Select the quaver rest on beat 4.5 of bar 36
4. Open the Master palette, Symbols section
5. Search for "barline", then click on the desired double-barline
6. Close the Master palette
7. Select the double-barline symbol, use the Offsets in the Properties panel to position it just before the flat

If you look in the Status bar, the flat at the change of key signature actually "belongs" to bar 37 although the flat is to the left of the start-repeat barline

Attachment Size
Zero-length_bar.mscz 19.15 KB

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