MuseHub purchase

• Dec 17, 2024 - 18:23

I purchased CinePiano yeasterday via the MuseHub portal. The purchase and download went through as far as the visual process on my end. However, when I go to MuseScore, the Muse Sound for CinePiano does not show up. When I open Musescore, and don't open a file, and click on Muse Sounds on the first screen, CinePiano shows as a "Get" option. It should show as a, "I already have" option. When I click on the "Get" link, it takes me to MuseHub on the web and gives me the option to "purchase" again the Muse Sound I have already purchased. Why is this? Why is CinePiano not showing as a Muse Sound I already bought?

Attachment Size
2024-12-17.PNG 482.77 KB


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