• Dec 21, 2024 - 21:22

Happy holidays. I changed the Font on my score big notes for children. The problem is the quaver stems are massive. I figure I'd change the font but I can't remember where to find it. attached is the small score.

Attachment Size
LH Go to sleep.mscz 9.99 KB


You show a score here:

If you want "big notes" like that, I used those same settings from Format > Style > Sizes and thereby changed 'Small note size' to 170% (so it actually makes them bigger).
Next, all the noteheads were selected and, in the Inspector, the 'Small' box was checked.
Also, in Format > Page Settings... the 'Staff space (sp)' was increased slightly to accommodate those bigger noteheads - just like in that other score.

If that's what you're going for, here's the result:
LH Go to sleep-big.mscz
N.B.: Pitch names were also added to the notes - just like in that other score.

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