Repitch does not work as stated in the handbook (MS 4)

• Dec 29, 2024 - 02:14


The Musescore 4 handbook states the following about "repitch input method" :

"The Re-pitch note input method allows you to change the pitches of a sequence of notes while leaving their durations unaltered

The Re-pitch method can be an extremely efficient way of entering notes in music with repeated rhythmic patterns. Simply copy and paste an existing passage that uses the same rhythm as your new passage, then use re-pitch mode to alter the pitches..."

I've tested several use cases using my MIDI keyboard. Only one is working as expected. Am I doing something wrong ?

Here is the score before I repitch the notes : test repitch.mscz

starting point.png

Use Case 1 : From a single tied note (measures 1-2), I repitch it with another note (from B to D).

Result :
- The note and its tied note are correctly repitched (OK)
- The edit cursor auto-advances to the next note (OK)

use case 1.png

Use Case 2 : From a tied chord (measures 3-4), I repitch it with another chord (from E to G)

Result :
- The new chord replaces the old one (OK)
- The tie is removed, so the length is altered (KO)
- The previously tied chord is detached and the pitch is not adjusted until I play the same chord again (KO)

use case 2.png

Use Case 3 : From a single tied note (measures 1-2), I repitch it with a chord (from note B to chord G).

Result :
- The note and its tied note are correctly repitched with the chord (OK)
- The cursor doesn't auto-advance, so I have to play an extra dummy note (KO)

use case 3.png

Use Case 4 : Same as use case 2 but you reach the end of the score.

Result :
- Same as use case 2 (KO)
- Every chord I play is added to the existing one (KO)

use case 4.png

Should I report a bug in GitHub ?

My config : OS: Windows 11 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.4-243461245, revision: 2232670

Thank you.

Attachment Size
use case 1.png 480.52 KB
use case 3.png 483.33 KB
use case 2.png 497.48 KB
use case 4.png 459.75 KB
starting point.png 694.85 KB
test repitch.mscz 18.05 KB

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