Lute fingering symbols

• Oct 23, 2014 - 08:22

These lute fingering symbols are permanently? I can add these symbols to the Gonville font? And parentheses for accidentals and noteheads - which glyphs are used by MuseScore???


The lute fingerings can be added to Gonville indeed. Here are the symbols used

(complete list of articulations symbols used in MuseScore)

For accidental parenthesis, it seems Musescore is currently using noteheadParenthesisLeft and noteheadParenthesisRight... maybe because the accidental ones accidentalParensLeft accidentalParensRight are not defined in the mscore font or were not defined in a previous version of smufl.

For a note, noteheadParenthesisLeft and noteheadParenthesisRight are used.

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