Musescore file corrupted
A couple of my files for my scores got corrupted and I am unable to open them no matter what I do. I had them on a thumb drive and didn't have any backups saved anywhere else. I tried reading every post I could, I cant even get the autosave files to open and I've tried changing the ".autosave" and it still won't work. It would mean a lot to me if someone could help me recover these files.
Attachment | Size |
big band thing.mscz | 684.46 KB |
big band thing copy.mscz | 684.46 KB |
copy big band thing.mscz | 655.67 KB |
some jazz thing i cant thinkl of a name.mscz | 51.15 KB |
Unfortunately only "copy big band thing.mscz" contains some recoverable data (the first half of the file is damaged as are the entire other three files). You can open it with 7-zip and recover the last few parts (from 16_Electric_Bass to 22_Triangle).
Do you know how they got corrupted?
In reply to Unfortunately only "copy big… by krasko78
I believe something in the thumb drive malfunctioned, being something like a circuit burning out. I managed to recover many of the files with a different computer application.
In reply to I believe something in the… by jammersyt1
Do you think you could send any of the files to me? I am unable to download the software on Mac. Also you said none of the other files have anything recoverable on them?
In reply to Do you think you could send… by jammersyt1
Yep, the other files look entirely like this:
So they contain nothing. Here is what is recoverable from the only file that has any meaningful data:
1) "big band thing - all recovered" contains all files that could be recovered
2) "big band thing - recovered" contains only the scores of the parts with their style files (I assume that's the only thing you will be interested in).