Sustaining A Note

• Jan 13, 2025 - 05:28

Hi Musescore team,

How do I sustain a note when making a score? I'll need it to compose my "Super-Sized" arrangement; I'm having problems with this screenshot (provided below) and some comments on the internet told me about a "plugin" to add to musescore. I'm unsure what this "sustain plugin" is and can't find it in my inventory. Thanks!

  • Arranger Team Universe
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Screenshot 2025-01-12 212135.png 59.14 KB


It is not very clear to me what you are wanting to do. But here is my guess, you want the furst note to sustain for a whole beat while the second note sounds in the half beat In other words you want two different rhythms on one stave If my guess is correct you need to use two voices. See

If my guess is not correct, come back and give some more information so that someone else can have a go.

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