Correct the Key signature in imported xml file

• Jan 19, 2025 - 07:07

Hi. Hope someone can help.

I've imported a four part sax score as and xml file.

Musescore has assigned concert G to the whole score and chosen the instrument as piano

All the notes on the score are correct and correspond to the original pdf, however the Tenor and Soprano parts have a key signature of G instead of C. It's probably the fault of the program that exported it, Playscore for Windows, but there is no way to correct that.

I'd like to just get an eraser and rub out the key signature and everything would be perfect becasuse all the accidentals are notated correctly but when I muck around with changing instruments or key signatures the whole score gets messed up.

I'm hoping there is a way to correct this in Musescore, but if not, would it be possible to correct this by editing the actual xml file before importing it? I've looked at the file in Edge but I wouldn't know where to begin

But I could be barking up the wrong tree. Maybe there is a whole different way to approach this

Any suggestions on how this could be quickly fixed?

Attachment Size
Bohemian Rhapsody.xml 710.43 KB
Bohemian Rhapsody1.mscz 118.29 KB
Bohemain Rhapsody Score.pdf 474.52 KB


No, the key is already correct. The piece is in B flat major and because the different saxophones transpose into different keys, the key is already correct for each instrument. Alto and baritone saxophones are E flat instruments, while soprano and tenor saxophones are B flat instruments.

However, it is not so easy to change these to the instruments.
First you have to assign the C clef to the alto and baritone parts. (Ctrl + slide from the key palette).
Then select all F# in both parts (alto and baritone) and change them to F (arrow down), (EDIT: I AM NOT SURE).
Now assign the piece to B flat major.

And then the individual saxophones are assigned. Now you have to adjust the pitch by changing it with the arrow keys until it matches the template.

And finally, correct a few measures that were not recognized correctly ...

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