Is it possible to make the score fit to page?

• Jan 20, 2025 - 15:38

I am currently arranging a symphony piece and during some parts all the music does not fit on the page. Is there a way to fit it on the page? (possibly make the notes smaller)

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I looked at your Symphonic Piece.
One thing you can do, it put the pairs of instruments
(Like Flute 1 and Flute 2) on the same stave as
Voice 1. (with the stems up) and Voice 2 (stems down)
You could do the same for all instruments of the same
type - like Horns, Trombones, (etc.)
I couldn't see the woodwind parts but they could be
put on the same stave also. This would reduce the
number of staves you need and maybe it would fit
onto a page (without needing to reduce the size of
the Notes and staves. Just a thought!

In reply to by jeffcarrollco

That is what I did in a piece with 29 instruments.
Now, if you can live with this on part/instrument level, e.g. Flute 1 and 2, Clarinet 1 and 2 etc. together, it works well.
In my case, i needed the combined staves on score level to fit the score on one page (A3 size) but individual parts/instruments for the musicians (A4 size). There exist a possibility in MS to split a stave, i.e. tools/Explode but the result was not so convincing. In the end, a suggestion in this forum, I had to write individual instrument staves as well as combined staves in the score. When the pdf of the score is published, you can hide the individual instrument staves for which a combined stave exist.
It works well but it generate a lot of additional staves, I think I had something like 37 staves when the piece was finished. Also, it's error prone as if you make a change somewhere, you have to remember to make it is two places to keep the score and parts synchronized.

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