Quick question
Asking for help with the attached file. It plays as I want, until the last to Chorus jump. I would like it to jump to Chorus, then go through gate 2., repeat, go through gate 3. and stop at Fine. I suspect the repeat 4 times before the jump might mess up the gates or the repeat at the beginning of Chorus cancels out the carried 2. gate, either way, it does not do what I want.
Thanks in advance.
Attachment | Size |
Vannak még itt falak (Újra megteszed).mscz | 60.2 KB |
Okay, that was weird!
You are using "markers" for your descriptive text AND for the jumps. I deleted the "To Chorus", "Chorus", and "Fine" markers and replaced them with "D.S. al Fine", Segno symbol, and "Fine" from the palettes and they worked normally.
Sorry, I take that back. They worked normally after I also deleted the "Interlude" marker which was defined as "Segno".
I'm assuming that the jumps and markers were not set up correctly, but when I went back to the original, it certainly LOOKS like they are set up correctly. But they definitely don't work right!
I will recommend don't try to use the jump and marker symbols as descriptive text. Use text for text and explicit jumps/markers for jumps and markers. (The Segno, Fine, and Coda symbols are "markers": targets for a jump command.)
Are you sure that you want that two measure bit down at the bottom to repeat four times?? That seems like you're flogging a dead horse by the time it finishes.
In reply to Okay, that was weird! You… by TheHutch
Thanks for looking into it. All jumps work for me as is, even the last jump back to chorus. What I am trying to achieve (if possible at all), is that the last jump should remain "2. gate compatible", so the jump repeats the chorus, then goes through gate 3, then Fine. I can expand to 2 pages, and have the desired result, but wanted to see if it can fit into one page. Would be nice if the jumps would have ability to set the repeat numbers for the gates.
By the way, did you manage to repeat the chorus, then stop at Fine?
In reply to Okay, that was weird! You… by TheHutch
Seems to me, the last jump is done in "gate 3 mode", so that is why it skips gate 2 ang goes to gate 3. Not sure, why it does not stop at Fine.
In reply to Seems to me, the last jump… by stephanvs
I have no clue what you are referring to as "gate 1" or "gate 2" or "gate 3". This is not standard terminology for musical notation.
Yes, I got it to work as you had described. Putting a normal D.S. al Fine, a normal segno symbol, and a normal Fine (and removing the extraneous segno that you had assigned to one of the labels that is not a jump target at all), it worked correctly. From the end it went back to the (almost!) beginning and then ended at the Fine.