Maximize/Minimize/Close buttons not visible and window not draggable on external monitor when maximized
I am using a laptop and 2 external monitors. When using Musescore on the external monitors, if I maximize the window, the minimize/maximize/close buttons disappear and I can't drag the window at all. The only way I can get out of it is to hit Win-Left Arrow which then makes them reappear. The buttons appear as normal if the window is not maximized. It behaves normally on the laptop screen.
When a window is maximized, it cannot be moved ... ever. "Maximized" means that it fills the entire screen and so has no room to move. The window definitely should have the three System buttons though. I can think of two possibilities. (I'm sure there are others :-)
1) When you do what you are calling "maximize", you are, in fact, going to "Full Screen" mode. In Full Screen mode, you will not have the three System buttons and the window will not move (for the same reason it can't move when "maximized": it fills the entire screen, so has no place to go.
2) When you believe that you have the screen "maximized", you may have it actually "Restored" instead. But the size of the "Restored" window is larger than your monitor, so the margins (including the System buttons) are outside the display area.
Describe exactly what you do to "maximize" the window. In particular, describe (or, better, provide a screenshot of) the button you click to "maximize" the window. Your screenshot looks like it's the first, but it still could be the second ... or something else entirely :-)