Score disappeared while editing
I was working on a file and as I went to paste a copied section (ctrl V) the score and whole musescore window vanished and there’s no record of it on my computer… it seems I have to restart my work?
I was working on a file and as I went to paste a copied section (ctrl V) the score and whole musescore window vanished and there’s no record of it on my computer… it seems I have to restart my work?
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In reply to See:… by Jm6stringer
Thanks for the recommendation, but doesn't seem to exist anywhere.
In reply to Thanks for the… by jamesshaheen22
Isn't there a file named "new_project.mscz" in any of these folders? (most likely in AppData/Local/MuseScore/MuseScore4)
In reply to Isn't there a file named … by krasko78
Doesn't seem to be, I'm on Mac though, if that makes it different.
MuseScore may have crashed or encountered an issue while you were editing. When this happens, it's possible that the score wasn't saved or autosaved correctly. You might want to check if any autosave files are available in the MuseScore backup folder or search for temporary files on your computer. Unfortunately, if no autosave or backup exists, restarting from scratch may be necessary unless you can recover a previous version. For a nursing essay help on the psychological aspects of technology and user behavior, provides expert guidance in writing academic papers on tech-related subjects in healthcare. UKWritings ensure your essay is grounded in both research and practical application.
Save early, save often. Sounds like you had not saved and there simply was not yet anything backed up.