The scale of the score and the metronome settings are not saved.

• Feb 11, 2025 - 06:36

Hello. When I change the scale of the notes (+/-, larger), a message appears saying that the selected settings will be saved automatically. However, every time I open the notes, the settings are reset to the initial ones and I have to re-adjust the scale. The same with other settings, such as the metronome. Is it possible to save the settings for later use?


With the - and + (magnifying glass icons) at bottom-right of the screen, you are only setting a temporary zoom level.

For a permanent change of the default zoom level, you need this menu path:
Edit > Preferences > Canvas > Zoom > Default zoom > Percentage
... but that settings is universal and will affect all scores

"The same with other settings, such as the metronome."

A similar situation:
- to vary the tempo for your score on a permanent basis, you need to use elements from the Tempo palette at various points in your score to define the tempo in beats per minute (bpm)
- to vary the tempo for your score on a temporary basis, you can use the Playback bar which undocks from the score header - and here you can vary the Tempo in percentage terms

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